I worked for different industries, collaborating with information technologies. Able to simplify complex processes and establish the
correct operating parameters for different ERP, CRM, BI Systems, CMS and migration of any legacy system. I like certify all the new
skills that I acquire during my professional career. My hobbies: Web development, sports, aviation and nautical
correct operating parameters for different ERP, CRM, BI Systems, CMS and migration of any legacy system. I like certify all the new
skills that I acquire during my professional career. My hobbies: Web development, sports, aviation and nautical
04/2018 – Present | Systems implementation; SLX (Real Time BI) Smart Factory, Shologix Optimizer (Production Planner), Configurator (Product Configurator Software), Rever Score (PDCA-based Ideas Platform), IT Infrastructure; On Premise servers and VPS, electronic pulses from machinery with wireless ADAMS signal. BlackBelt: a real-time shrinkage reporting system and real-time quality checklist dashboard, representing 5MILL/USD savings. Production Process Optimization and Financial Processes. 7 machines installation, infrastructure and construction
Project Consultant - Sanfer
2017/01 – 2018/04 | Infor LX ERP Implementation, product configuration system with interfaces between 2 systems, Factory Moving, operations and machinery without stop production, warehouse construction with all the services, offices and service areas, 12 Machines installation Manroland Brand. IT services installation with production capture stations with real time software reporting Smart Factory.